Monday, January 31, 2011

Heart Keeps Beating!

                                                                       The Heart
                                                              Us Digesting The Heart
                                                                    The Manual
The Heart

     We finally got to do the good stuff... we disecteed the sheeps heart. The heart activity helped us learn a lot about what a heart is like; it also helped us get a better understanding of how the average heart works. We were giving a manual and we had to point out the basic parts of the heart, such as atruim. Our disection helped us learn, for more information on the heart please travel to


Friday, January 14, 2011


Finally, we completed our experiment!!!  We each did different activites, but all of us
in the end ended up doin the same thing.  It was fun! We jumped ropes, ran,
walked, and checked our pulses.  It was so fun!!!!  We still need to analyze our data and dissect the cow's heart, but together, we can do it!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ideas for Life

Left to Right: Corrine, Bryce, Ethan, and Mikhela

     Here is our team...  We have finally figured out our topic, sports science!  We have decided to find how fitness affects the heart.  We are planning on disecting a cow's heart. We are also going to do a poll about if we opened our gym to the public how many people would use it. I am totally looking forward to it.  I hope you are also.

Friday, December 10, 2010

We Are The Team

Hello!  This is the official blog for the ecybermission contest.  We are team Smarty Arties!!!  Our team is consisted of four members: Corri, she is one of the most creative in the group, she also is very smart. Taylor, is one of the smart ones; she is very good with language and writing. Bryce, he is in our group also;he has a talent in art and creativity. We have a smart math student named Ethan. That is our group. For more information about ecybermission please go to !